North Carolina Fastpitch Softball

How do I enter/pay my team for USSSA tournaments?

There are 2 ways you can enter local NC USSSA Tournaments. You can either go to and click on schedule, click on tournament and find the tournament you want to enter and click on register. Fill out the form and click submit, once the tournament director receives your request they will approve your entry and you will receive an email thanking you for your entry. The second way you can enter local NC USSSA tournaments as well as NATIONWIDE USSSA tournaments is going through the USSSA National website. To get a list of all available tournaments, go to and login with your ID and password. Once you’re in under your ID, click on “Find Events” from the “Events” drop-down menu, select the parameters you’re looking for, then click “Enter” for the tournament of your choosing. This tournament can be added to a shopping cart if you wish to pay now, or enter into more than one tournament a the moment and pay for them all at once, with a credit card or you may select the "Enter Now, Pay Later" option. We only accept credit card payments through the National website.